Arts and crafts
Ceramics: from the mid nineteenth century, ceramics have been produced in Níjar which is a quarter of an hour by car from La Joya de Cabo de Gata. There are five craftsmen blowing coarse glass products nearby. Today, Níjar has become a centre of interest for traditional ceramics as well as others of new and modern design.
Jarapas: woven rugs and blankets are produced by hand on enormous wooden looms that can still be seen in Níjar.
Esparto: It is a raw material for a craft that has almost disappeared in the area where it had once prospered. There are still large plantations of “espartales” throughout the park and you can also find a few artisans still making baskets and mats as Jose Torrecillas does in the neighbourhood of La Joya at Aguamarga.
Artists from different parts of the World have settled in the park: painters, sculptors, furniture recyclers etc.
Here are some artists and artisans of interest:
Agustín Martín Francés (Fotógrafo)
Anne Kampschulte (Escultora)
Carlos Abad
Danielle Brouns
Ernesto Pedalino
Isabel Gómez Moreno (Pintora)
Isabel Raths
Itziar Ortuzar
Javier Torras
Juana Chevalier (Fotógrafa)
María Abad (Ceramista)
Matthew Weir (Ceramista)
Miguel Costales (Pintor escultor)
Oscar Molina (Fotografía)
SAFI (Escultor –pintor)
Tamara Katz
Uli Schwander
Ulli Butz (Escultor reciclaje)
Vidal Hurtado (Ceramista)
Another artists and artisans:
Dolores García García (Níjar), Emilio Sdun (Tipografía), Faruk y Erika (Joyería alternativa) Níjar, Miguel García (Artes de pesca) Garrucha, Mónica San Esteban (Mojácar), Pedro Larios (Esparto) Cuevas de Almanzora, Pipo Jost (Pintora) Mojácar, Rafael Granados (Níjar), Rubén Gómez (Telares) Vera.